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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications


Math in Pictures: Archer Fish, Natural Mathematicians

| Fun with Math

Have you ever seen an archer fish? They are fascinating for several reasons, but perhaps most of all for the math problems to which they have evolved solutions.

9 Compelling Reasons to Enter a Math Contest

| Math Contests
Have you been thinking about entering a math contest? Then read on! Here are some reaso...

Online Math Resources on the New

| Math Curriculum, Math Modeling
Explore our online math resources, including math modeling curriculum, math contests, a...

Math (and Math Modeling Contests) for Each and Every Student

COMAP is and will always be dedicated to math for each and every student, from our math...

Math in Pictures: Have a Seat but Not Too Close

| Fun with Math
Birds sitting on wires often seem to be regularly spaced. What are they thinking? And w...

What Is the MCM/ICM Undergraduate Math Competition?

| Math Contests, Math Modeling
Are you a student looking for an undergraduate math competition where you can solve a r...

What Are the HiMCM and MidMCM Math Contests?

| Math Contests, Math Modeling
Math contests can be a fun way to engage your middle school and high school students. R...