COMAP Author Information
COMAP regularly releases three publications: The UMAP Journal, Consortium, and our new blog. Please see the information below about these publications.
Contact us with ideas, interests, and/or questions.
Paul J. Campbell
Beloit College
700 College St.
Beloit, WI 53511-5595

The UMAP Journal
The Undergraduate Mathematics and Its Applications (UMAP) Journal, published quarterly, blends contemporary teaching modules with commentaries and articles to create a boldly different periodical. Each issue puts several real-world problems under a mathematical lens and demonstrates how real people are using mathematics in their jobs and lives. Whether it is exploring an elegant explanation of price-elasticity of illegal drugs, or the strategic implications of disarming the U.S. nuclear arsenal, The UMAP Journal is the modeling journal for anyone interested in applied mathematics. The current issue of UMAP is available free online, with previous issues available electronically with COMAP full membership. COMAP also offers a print subscription as an add-on to full members.
Department Editors
Chris Arney, U.S. Military Academy
Teaching Modeling
Kayla Blyman, St. Martin's University
Paul A. Isihara, Wheaton College, IL
On Jargon
Yves Nievergelt, Eastern Washington University
Hilary Fletcher, Chesterfield, VA
Associate Editors
Chris Arney, U.S. Military Academy
Amanda Beecher, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Joanna A. Bieri, University of Redlands
Kayla Blyman, St. Martin's University
James M. Cargal, Fort Walton Beach, FL
Lisette De Pillis, Harvey Mudd College
Keith Erickson, Georgia Gwinnett College
Hilary Fletcher, Chesterfield, VA
Doug Fletcher, Chesterfield, VA
Steven B. Horton, U.S. Military Academy
Paul A. Isihara, Wheaton College, IL
Jessica M. Libertini, Tampa, FL
Eric Marland, Appalachian State University
Yves Nievergelt, Eastern Washington University
Michael O'Leary, Towson University
Andrew Oster, Eastern Washington University
Jan Rychtar, Virginia Commonwealth University
Philip D. Straffin, Beloit College
Shaohui Wang, Louisiana Christian University
Guangming Yao, Clarkson University
Paul Kehle
175 Middlesex Tpke
Suite 3B
Bedford, MA 01730

Department Editors
Math Today
Joseph Malkevitch, Paul Kehle
Geometer’s Corner
Jonathan Choate
Henry’s Notes
Henry Pollak
The Modeling Pull-Out
Marsha Davis
Jessica Libertini
Student Research Corner
Joseph Malkevitch
Kayla Blyman (MidMCM)
Ben Galluzzo (HiMCM)
Ben Galluzzo (IM2C)

COMAP’s blog supports our efforts to improve mathematics education through integrating applied problem solving and modeling into the curriculum across the globe at all levels. Our blog provides information about COMAP, our contests, applied mathematics and modeling teaching, learning, and resources, as well as general interest mathematics and education articles.
We welcome guest bloggers. Are you interested in demonstrating your expertise in math and math modeling? Do you want to share advice with other math educators? Do you love writing? If so, considering submitting a guest post on our blog! By contributing to our blog, you will have an opportunity to share your knowledge, give back to the math community, boost your social following, and more. Complete our contact form to submit ideas for consideration as a guest post.