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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Math Modeling

| Math Modeling
The world experienced its hottest day ever recorded on July 21, 2024. This unprecedented…
“The Lemma Dilemma," an article by Richard Francis, gives us a peek into the complex and…
July 8th is Math 2.0 Day, a special day dedicated to the blending of math and technology…
| Math Modeling
Game theory is a powerful tool for modeling strategic interactions between rational decis…
Drone light shows can be truly magical. And you need mathematics to make it happen!
A math modeling question is born from an everyday situation: How does the amount of sag i…
| Math Modeling
Have you ever wondered how mathematics can help solve crimes? Biology meets mathematics i…
COMAP’s 2024 Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) and Interdisciplinary Contest in Mode…
| Math Modeling, Fun with Math
Have you ever considered all of the ways you can explore math outdoors? Let's look at cre…
| Math Modeling
So, exactly what is mathematical modeling? In this post, we will explore the definition o…
April is not just about blooming flowers and warmer weather; it's also Mathematics and St…
| Math Modeling
This blog post features a math modeling module that explores three main voting models so…
| Math Modeling
Are you dreaming of launching a small business, or are you looking to optimize your exist…
| Math Curriculum, Math Modeling
This blog post delves into diverse math modeling examples showing how modeling can be app…
| Math Modeling, Fun with Math
There's a Christmas lighting math model that's about to turn your holiday decorating woes…
| Math Modeling
In this blog post, we'll delve into the profound importance of math modeling in STEM and…
| Math Modeling
Let's explore some exciting careers that rely on applied mathematics, demonstrating how t…
| Math Contests, Math Modeling
Math modeling contests can be challenging, but these last-minute math contest tips can bo…
| Math Curriculum, Math Modeling
United Airlines will now allow passengers in window seats to board before those in middl…
| Math Modeling, Fun with Math
In this Math in Pictures blog we turn our attention to some Boston Ivy outside the window…
| Math Modeling
In this blog series, we're highlighting math modeling modules and articles that explore r…
| Math Modeling, Fun with Math
In this blog series, we're highlighting math modeling modules and articles that explore r…
| Math Curriculum, Math Modeling
Our Mathematical Modeling Handbook is the perfect companion for bringing math modeling co…
| Math Modeling, Fun with Math
Global daily temperatures have been the hottest on record in the last 120,000 years. How…