Mathematics as a Second Language Terms Handbook (Print)
Our Spanish/English mathematics terms handbook was developed with bilingual students testing needs in mind. Our glossary lists mathematical terms in English and Spanish for grades 5-16. Because these terms are translated "word by word" with no definitions, explanations or diagrams, our handbooks are valid for student use during standardized tests.
The terms are in alphabetical order by the English word. A separate cross-reference of Spanish words appears in the Index beginning on page 12. The terms used range from those appearing in the elementary school mathematics curriculum to the secondary school mathematics curriculum.
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1. absolute value
2. acute angle
3. acute triangle
4. addend
5. addition
6. additive axiom of inequality
7. additive inverses
8. additive property of equality
9. adjacent angles
10. algorithm
11. alternate interior angles
12. altitude
13. angle
14. angle bisector
15. antilogarithm
16. apothem
17. arc bisector
18. area
19. arithmetic progression
20. array
21. associative property
22. axiom
23. axiom of camparison
24. base
25. basic property of quotients
26. bearing of a vector
27. binomial
28. binomial square
29. bisect 30. Cartesian product
31. center
32. center of gravity
33. central angle
34. chord
35. circle
36. circle graph
37. circumference of a circle
38. closed sentence
39. closure property
40. coincide
41. collinear points
42. combination
43. combined variation
44. common denominator
45. commutative property
46. compass
47. complementary angles
48. completing the square
49. complex number
50. components
51. composite number
52. compound sentence
53. concentric circles
54. conclusion
55. cone
56. congruent
57. conjugate expressions
58. conjecture
59. constant
60. constant of variation
61. contrapositive of a conditional
62. convergent sequence
63. converse
64. convex region
65. coordinate plane
66. coplanar points
67. corollary
68. cosecant function
69. cosine
70. coterminal angles
71. counterexample
72. counting principle
73. critical points
74. cross products test
75. cube
76. cumulative frequency
77. curve
78. customary system
79. cylinder
80. data
81. decimal
82. deduction
83. degree
84. dense
85. denumerable
86. derivative
87. determinant
88. diagonal
89. diameter
90. difference
91. digit
92. dihedral angle
93. directed number
94. direct proof
95. discriminant
96. disjoint sets
97. disjunction
98. distance formula
99. distributive property
100. divergent
101. divisible
102. division principle
103. divisor
104. domain
105. edge
106. element of a set
107. ellipse
108. empty set
109. equality
110. equation
111. equilateral triangle
112. equivalent fractions
113. error of measurement
114. estimate
115. even number
116. even
117. expanded notation
118. exponent
119. expression
120. extremes of a proportion
121. face
122. factor
123. factor tree
124. figure
125. floating-point notation
126. formula
127. fraction
128. function
129. generalization
130. graph
131. greatest common factor
132. greatest possible error
133. grouping symbols
134. hemisphere
135. hexagon
136. histogram
137. hyperbola
138. hypotenuse
139. identity element
140. imaginary number
141. implication
142. inconsistent equations
143. independent events
144. induction
145. inequality
146. inscribed polygon
147. integer
148. interest
149. intersection
150. intuition
151. inverse
152. irrational number
153. irreducible polynomial
154. isosceles triangle
155. joint variation
156. lateral faces
157. law of gravitation
158. least common denominator
159. lemma
160. like fractions
161. linear inequality
162. line graph
163. line segmen
164. line of symmetry
165. locus
166. logarithm
167. logic
168. mantissa
169. matrix
170. mean
171. means of a proportion
172. measurement
173. median
174. metric system
175. midpoint
176. minimum point of a curve
177. minor
178. minute
179. mode
180. monomial
181. multiple
182. multiplicative inverses (reciprocals)
183. negative number
184. negative of a statement
185. number sentence
186. numeration system
187. numerical coefficient
188. oblique prism
189. obtuse angle
190. obtuse triangle
191. octagon
192. odd number
193. one-to-one correspondence
194. open sentence
195. ordered pair
196. ordinal number
197. origin
198. parabola
199. parallel lines
200. parallelogram
201. partition
202. percent
203. perfect number
204. perfect square
205. perimeter
206. period
207. permutation
208. perpendicular lines
209. pi
210. place value valor de posición (cifra decimal)
211. plane
212. point
213. polygon
214. polyhedron
215. polynomial
216. positive number
217. prime number
218. principal
219. prism
220. probability
221. product
222. proportion
223. protractor
224. pyramid
225. Pythagorean Rule
226. quadrant
227. quadratic equation
228. quadratic formula
229. quadrilateral
230. quantifier
231. quotient
232. radical
233. radicand
234. radius
235. range
236. rate
237. rate of discount
238. ratio
239. rational number
240. ray
241. real number
242. reciprocals
243. rectangle
244. recursion formula
245. reflection
246. region
247. regular polygon
248. relation
249. remainder
250. repeating decimal
251. repetend
252. replacement set
253. resultant
254. rhombus
255. right angle
256. right triangle
257. rigid motion
258. root of a number
259. root index
260. roster notation
261. rotation
262. sample space
263. scalene triangle
264. scientific notation
265. second derivative
266. semicircle
267. series
268. set
269. sigma
270. similar figures
271. simple closed curve
272. sine of an angle
273. sinusoid
274. skew lines
275. slope of a line
276. slope-intercept form
277. solution set
278. solve
279. space
280. space figure
281. sphere
282. square
283. square root
284. statistics
285. substitution principle
286. sundial
287. supplementary angles
288. surface area
289. symmetric rounding
290. tangent to a circle or sphere
291. tautology
292. terminating decimal
293. theorem
294. transformation
295. translation
296. transpose
297. transversal
298. trapezoid
299. triangle
300. union
301. unit of measure
302. variable
303. Venn diagram
304. vertex
305. vertical angles
306. volume
307. whole number

Author | COMAP Inc. |
Copyright Year | ©2008, COMAP, Inc. |
ISBN | 978-1-933223-12-4 |
Product Number | 4005 |
Primary Level | Elementary |
Additional Levels | High School |
Application Areas | Spanish/English |
Pricing Options | 1-99 cost $7.99 each 100 or more $6.99 each QTY over 500 call for pricing |
Format | 18 page softcover book 8.50" x 5" |