The International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education Volume 1 Number 1, 2006
Author: Various
Table of Contents
Gert Schubring
Research Papers
Competing Arguments for the Geometry Course: Why Were American High School Students Supposed to Study Geometry in the Twentieth Century?
Gloriana Gonz√°lez and Patricio G. Herbst
The Role of Projective Geometry in Italian Education and Institutions at the End of the 19th Century
Marta Menghini
The Theorem of Thales: A Study of the Naming of Theorems in School Geometry Textbooks
Dimitris Patsopoulos and Tasos Patronis
A Turning Point in Secondary School Mathematics in Brazil: Euclides Roxo and the Mathematics Curricular Reforms of 1931 and 1942
Jo√£o Pitombeira de Carvalho
Sources for the History of Mathematics Education in Brazil
Gert Schubring
Information for Contributors

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