The International Journal for the History of Mathematics Education Volume 9 Number 2, 2014
Author: Various
Table of Contents
Research Papers
Protractors as Objects of American School Geometry Teaching
Russian Mathematics Teachers: Beginnings
Playing Cards for Mathematical Learning
On requirements in mathematics for elementary school teaching in New York State during the 19th century
Kristín Bjarnadóttir, Fulvia Furinghetti, José Manuel Matos, Gert Schubring (Eds.): Dig where you stand 2. Proceedings of The Second International Conference on the History of Mathematics Education Rev. by JAIME CARVALHO e SILVA
Kerrin Klinger: Zwischen Gelehrtenwissen und handwerklicher Praxis. Zum mathematischen Unterricht in Weimar um 1800 Rev. by GERT SCHUBRING
Paulus Gerdes
Instead of an Interview: an Obituary
Notes on Contributors
Information for Contributors

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