A Course in Financial Mathematics
Author: Floyd Vest
COMAP announces a free course in financial mathematics, with an emphasis on personal finance, for upper high school and undergraduate students. Teachers can click at
to request access to the materials below.
Teachers can make their own selections from the materials available, which include:
Pull-Out Sections from the HiMAP Consortium newsletter, which have exposition, exercises, sidebar notes, references, answers, teacher notes; they are usually six to eight pages long.
• Articles published in various journals, including The UMAP Journal.
• UMAPModules and ILAP Modules, which list prerequisites, andUMAP Minimodules; all of these feature exercises with solutions.
• As-yet-unpublished papers. Materialsmayhave exercises, answers, teacher notes, sidebar notes, and/or references. The collection of more than 70 lessons is dynamic, as materials are revised while others are added.
Ateacher can simply download and print a PDF, make copies, distribute them to students, and teach the lesson.

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