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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
Supplementary Print

Case Studies in Mathematics

Author: Jeanne L. Agnew and Marvin S. Keener

The readers of this journal do not need to be persuaded that today's undergraduates not only must assimilate the beautiful ideas, principles, and resulting theorems that are by many considered true mathematics, but also niust be functional in using what they have learned to meet the challenges of the society in to which they graduate. Many educators are putting the ircreative minds to identifying ways of improving the undergraduate curriculum. In particular they are seeking ways to include more instruction in the applications of mathematics. One of the most promising steps forward is evidenced by this journal and the care fully prepared materials created and disseminated by the UMAP consortium.

©1981 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 2.3
5 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Application Areas:

Mathematics Education

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