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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Historical Notes
Supplementary Print
High School

Did You Know That ...?

Author: Richard Francis

Little known facts often surface by an extended probing of the historical record. These may be revelations of subtle connections that are frequently overlooked. Or perhaps the surprise is a line in the ancient record that so clearly describes the world of today, or maybe some coincidence.

Consider for example the fact that the two writers of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both died on the fiftieth anniversary of this monumental document's signing and proclamation. It was July 4, 1826 (also on Thursday as was July 4, 1776).

Similar surprises of a calendar nature relate to presidents and include the observation that presidential inauguration day (January 20 in appropriate years) falls more often on Sunday than any other day of the week. Mathematics too contains its surprises as the ancient, the middle, and the modern accounts are perused.

Table of Contents:





©2002 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 82
3 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Number Theory, Trigonometry, Probability, Geometry, Calculus

Application Areas:

History, Topology, Other Mathematics

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