Geometry and The Internet
Author: Jonathan Choate
Over the years I have found myself using the Internet more and more in my teaching in a variety of ways. In particular, I have used it extensively both in a standard geometry course and in a course I teach as an elective,The Mathematics of Patterns. In the former, I use it primarily to supplement the text.
In the latter, the Internet is the source of all information for the course. I should add that I also use it extensively for my own research. In what follows, a site is listed along with a brief description of how it can be used and, where appropriate, a sample of what you might find there.The sites I have chosen fall into one of the following categories; general information, specific course content, or useful software and applets. I have also posted an electronic version of this article with links on myWebsite [] so that you can easily check out the sites I discuss.

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