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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Articles
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High School

Graphing the Berry Patch (UMAP)

Author: Philip D. Straffin

As part of the promotion for its new Berry Berry Kix cereal, General Mills included on the cereal box a game called "Berry Patch Scramble," which turns out to be a pretty good game for children or mathematicians. It has elements in common with the Chinese and Korean children's game Pong Hau K'i [Bell 1979] and the Maori game Mu Torere [Ascher 1987, 1991], and it is amenable to the same kind of graph-theoretic analysis as in Straffin [1995]. The Packaging Group at General Mills invented Berry Patch Scramble as a group effort; they are unaware of any knowledge of other games that might have unconciously influenced them and are quite sure they have never heard of Mu Torere or Pong Hau K'i [Summer 1996].

©1996 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 17.2
6 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Number Theory, Probability

Application Areas:

Game Theory, strategy

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