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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: HiMAP Pull-Out
Supplementary Print
High School

Hazards of Heavy Metal

Author: Rosalie Dance, James Sandefur

Human society with its desire for technological advancement and persisting lack of concern for consequences has produced many kinds of environmental hazards. Toxic chemicals in homes and neighborhoods are hazards, often invisible, that our society must learn to be aware of and to prevent.

We need to clean them up, and where we haven't yet done so, we need to protect people from exposure to them. Lead, mercury, and cadmium are the three most dangerous heavy metal contaminants in our environment.

©2000 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 74
7 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Pre-Algebra , Algebra , Calculus , Elementary Functions, Percents

Application Areas:

Life Sciences & Medicine , Physical Sciences , Chemistry

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