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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: GAIMME Time
Supplementary Print
High School

Introducing: GAIMME Time

Author: Karen Bliss and Jessica Libertini

Welcome to GAIMME Time!

Earlier this year, COMAP and SIAM jointly released the GAIMME Report: Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education. We are excited to launch this new addition to Consortium, in which we will share tips, tricks, and words of encouragement from two of the writers of the GAIMME Report to help you bring mathematical modeling into your classroom.

Future issues of GAIMME Time will cover a wide variety of topics such as: How to Develop an Idea into a Good Modeling Problem; Addressing Non-Mathematical Skills through Modeling; Personalizing Modeling through Implementation Strategies; and Mini-modeling Activities to Get Started.

In our inaugural article, we want to address an important concern that many teachers experience when they first introduce modeling in their classrooms: Teaching the Unknowable & Becoming Comfortable in the Unknown. We first acknowledge some of the reasons why teaching mathematical modeling can initially feel uncomfortable, and then we present some ideas, reaffirmations, and suggestions to help you feel comfortable and empowered in the modeling classroom.

©2016 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 111
2 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Application Areas:

Modeling Reference , GAIMME

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