Mathematical Modeling Summer Programs
Author: William P. Fox
Although it feels as through at the last minute we were asked to put together a mathematical modeling summer program for a school in Carmel, CA, it was worth the effort. It was a nice experience to think about and to create such a summer program. This article suggests a straw man to create such a program.
First, it would be nice to have a full week or at least 2 to 2 Ω days for a workshop for mathematics teachers in our schools. It would be nice to have sponsorship so that the teachers could get a small stipend in addition to the workshop materials. Our coverage was similar to the following:
• Present a modeling problem of interest in the area or to society
• Present mathematical Tools & examples (standards) and technology
• Have participants work on model
• Discuss and share results
We want to get the teachers excited, so they can get their students excited about mathematical modeling.
The following is our schedule for a two-day workshop.

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