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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Geometers Corner
Supplementary Print
High School

New Technology Meets Some Old Geometry

Author: Jonathan Choate

I have just spent the better part of two weeks learning to use a magnificent new piece of software that I saw demonstrated last month at the Anja Greer Conference on Math, Science and Technology, held annually at Phillips Exeter Academy [1], a wonderful conference that is about to celebrate its twenty-fifth year.

The software, Geometry Expressions (GE) [2], is a geometric construction package that has some unique and useful features. While learning to use the software, I came across several sources of interesting exercises: two books, How Round is Your Circle: Where Engineering and Mathematics Meet [3] and Mathematics Meets Technology [4], and two Websites, Go Geometry Stepby- Step From the Land of the Incas [5], as complete a collection of interesting Euclidian geometry programs as any I have found on the Internet, and Cut- The-Knot [6], a wonderful collection of mathematical content appropriate for all levels of the mathematics curriculum, almost all of which contain easy-to-use instructional applets.

©2008 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 95
5 pages

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