Teamwork : A Winning Formula for Math Students
Author: William Stork and James Manning
After years of success by students of the Hong Kong International School in the High School Mathematical Contest in Modeling (HiMCM), I asked International School advisor William Stork to write an article for Consortium about "how they did it." Among the school's successes are:
• Participants who ranked at Outstanding in two consecutive years. One is currently at Brown University; the other is at Stanford.
• Students would report to Bill why the contest participation was so meaningful to them!
• In 2009, at the school there were four teams ranked as Outstanding. Two of these teams were entirely composed of 10th graders!
• This year one of the 4 National Outstanding teams, composed of 10th graders, said they knew from their experience as 9th graders exactly how to Äòbuild' and run a team and that is was the advantage they thought helped them achieve.
• The school response has been incredible.
In this article, Bill lets his students tell the story about teamwork-a winning formula for math students and success in life.

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