TechMAP - Clocks - Student Edition
Author: Henk Vanderkooj & Tom Goris
This module deals with power transmission in gears in the context of clock building. Mathematical topics include ratio, proportion, and direct and indirect variation.
Covering topics from Algebra I to Precalculus, TechMAP modules show high school students real, immediate uses for mathematics.
All students MUST PASS the same standardized tests in order to graduate and succeed. All 22 TechMAP modules show tangible, real-world applications of the material on these exams, driving home required math skills.
The mathematics required by state tests is taught in algebra and geometry courses, but for many students this is not enough. TechMAP modules demonstrate these skills in vocational fields; they help reinforce existing mathematics courses through actual career activities. These modules are self-contained with exercises, teacher notes, handouts, etc., and can be used individually or together. Each module takes one to three weeks of classroom time.
- A builder finds the slope of a roof the same way an
algebra student finds the slope of a line. - A farmer selling her wheat must decide between several
grain elevators in different locations. She uses conic
sections and parameters on elementary models to make
her decision. - An exploration into the packaging industry reveals area
formulas. - GPS devices are everywhere today, and our module
explains how they actually work; students become well-versed
in spherical geometry, time differences, and codes. - Carpenters work with shapes and relationships every
day, and in our modules we explore circle relationships,
differential equations, linear regression, and more.

Mathematics Topics:
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