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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: HiMAP Pull-Out
Supplementary Print
High School

Thrills and Spills In Motion II

Author: Marsha Davis, Pat Taylor

The activities in this Pull-Out are a continuation of the topic of motion in Consortium 75. These activities focus on motion that can be modeled by quadratic functions.

In Activity 1, students are challenged to walk in such a way that their distance-versus-time graphs are parabolas.

In Activity 2, students investigate the motion of a falling book. In the final two activities, students apply what they have learned, first to the design of a fall-off-a-building-into-the-back-of-apickup- truck stunt and second to the method of picking a winner in a strongestperson- basketball-tossing contest.

©2001 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 77
8 pages

Mathematics Topics:


Application Areas:

Physical Sciences , Physics


Solve quadratic equations; graphs of parabolas; how to determine average velocity; calculator skills, lists, scatter plots, editing data, graphing functions, regression capabilities

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