Author: Margaret (Midge) Cozzens and Katrina Palmer
Tomography: Where Mathematics, Biology, and Technology Come Together To Solve Problems in Many Areas
This Module provides a real-life example that uses skills from Algebra II and Geometry, including
• modeling using e and exponential functions,
• solving systems of equations, and
• visualization in 3-D,
to understand one of the important tools available to physicians in understanding the status of the human body.
The Module starts with an introduction to tomography, then introduces some basic mathematics used in computed tomography (CT scans). The Modulelooks at the biology of thehumanbody, what anatomical conditions can be observed using various kinds of scans, and the differences between CT scans and positron emission tomography (PET). Many students have heard of (or even have had) an MRI, CT, or even a PET scan, so the topic has inherent interest to students.
In addition to medical imaging, applications are provided to autopsies, structural soundness, archeology, and other topics that are increasingly important today.
Throughout the Module, there are many activities, worked examples, homework problems, and various assessment tools.

Mathematics Topics:
Application Areas:
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