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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Math at Work
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High School

Top Jobs

Author: Sarah Williams

When Synta Bogan goes to work, she summarizes and interprets data to help run education programs for kids. She is a financial analyst. When Larry Cao goes to work, he models shapes and motion with mathematical equations to build apps that help us run our lives from our phones. He is a software developer. Financial analyst and software developer were two of the top careers of 2014, according to online money magazine Like dozens of news outlets, Forbes crunches government and private jobs data and announces its own "Top 10" list. Forbes's list awards points for past and projected growth and for wages above $22 per hour.
©2014 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 107
4 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Application Areas:

Occupational Outlook, Research

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