UMAP Journal 28.3 Fall 2007 Edition - The 2007 MCM Contest Edition
Author: Paul Campbell
Publisher's Editorial
Math Is More: Toward a National Consensus on Improving Mathematics Education
About This Issue
Special Section on the MCM
Results of the 2007 Mathematical Contest in Modeling
Abstracts of the Outstanding Papers and the Fusaro Papers
When Topologists Are Politicians
What to Feed a Gerrymander
Electoral Redistricting with Moment of Inertia and Diminishing Halves Models
Applying Voronoi Diagrams to the Redistricting Problem
Why Weight? A Cluster-Theoretic Approach to Policital Districting
Novel Approaches to Airline Boarding
Boarding at the Speed of Flight
STAR: (Saving Time, Adding Revenues) Boarding/Deboarding Strategy
The Unique Best Boarding Plan? It DependsĶ
Airliner Boarding and Deplaning Strategy
The Best Boarding Uses Buffers
Modeling Airplane Boarding Procedures
American Airlines' Next Top Model
Boarding-Step by Step: A Cellular Automaton Approach To Optimising Aircraft Boarding Time
Judges' Commentary: The Fusaro Award Airplane Seating Paper Peter Anspach and Marie

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