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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: 7322

UMAP Journal 32.2 Summer 2011 Edition - The 2011 MCM / ICM Contest Edition

Author: Paul Campbell

Table of Contents

Publisher's Editorial

Good Ideas, Tireless Efforts

Editor's Note
Errata to Genetic Inversion Module

MCM Modeling Forum
Results of the 2011 Mathematical Contest in Modeling

A Half-Blood Half-Pipe, A Perfect Performance

Judges' Commentary: The Outstanding Snowboard Course Papers

Fewest Repeaters for a Circular Area:
Iterative Extremal Optimization Based on Voronoi Diagrams

Judges' Commentary: The Outstanding Repeater Coordination Papers

Judges' Commentary: The Fusaro Award for the Repeater Coordination Problem

ICM Modeling Forum
Results of the 2011 Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

Electric Cars as aWidespread Means of Transportation

Author's Commentary: The Marine Pollution Problem

Judges' Commentary: The Outstanding Electric Car Papers

©2011 by COMAP, Inc.
The UMAP Journal 32.2
95 pages

Mathematics Topics:


Application Areas:




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