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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

Product ID: Henrys Notes
Supplementary Print
High School

What - More Logarithms?!

Author: Henry O. Pollak

The question this time concerns the use of logarithms in mathematical modeling. You will argue that this is so common that it is much less likely to be morbid rather than just plain boring-probably both. Exponential models are everywhere, and in the course of working with them, one frequently has occasion to apply the inverse function to an exponential. Agreed.

What is less common, however, is a model that leads directly to a logarithmic function, where the basic idea is logarithmic and the appearence of an exponential is a tool. One "real world" notion whose modeling leads directly to a logarithmic function is that of information.

©2000 by COMAP, Inc.
Consortium 76
2 pages

Mathematics Topics:

Elementary Functions, Precalculus

Application Areas:

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