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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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Physical Concepts Examined: 1. Diffraction 2. Laser disc design Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION FURTHER INTRODUCT...
Table of Contents: GUEST EDITORIAL How to Design and Teach a Project-Based First-Year Finite Mathematics Course A...
These units are part of a series by the author on concepts of mathematics for business. They show how graphs of lines...
A unit that exposes the students to several concepts: 1) to be able to construct a system of equations representing a...
This unit enables the student to: 1) improve algorithms by enhancing them; 2) read, interpret, and follow through alg...
This unit uses the inversion method to find a function f(t) when given the Laplace transform, the Fourier transform, ...
With this unit, the student will understand the budgetary process and its outcomes, gain a better understanding of mo...
This unit reviews exponents and introduces the notions of doubling time and half-life. Students, given a table of dat...
This unit involves applications of exponential functions. The applications present the concepts of half-lives and dou...
A unit that introduces exponential functions. With completion of this module students will be able to: 1) describe th...
This unit shows how to find the formula for an exponential function given a point on its graph and the slope at that ...
This unit presents experimental determination of the numerical parameter that determines the strength of an illusion,...
This module is a continuation of an analysis of Supreme Court decision-making presented in Part I. The problem is to ...
This module consists of a framework which is developed to deduce the properties of a mobilization process based on ma...
This unit discusses an application leading to large sets of linear simultaneous equations. It also calculates equilib...
This unit investigates mathematical properties of first order quadratic difference equation a) equilibria, b) local s...
With this unit, the student will understand the nature of sensitivity analysis by investigating the ways in which the...
With this unit, the student will be able to: 1) recognize the relative nature of simultaneity, and fundamental implic...
With this unit, the student will be able to: 1) recognize the speed of light as the limiting speed of ordinary partic...
With this unit, the student will be able to: 1) relate the Loedel diagram to the required invariance of spacetime int...
This unit presents the history, the algebra, the geometry, and a few uses of complex numbers, including complex squar...
This module demonstrates how real applications require orthogonal projections in abstract linear spaces. The material...
This module discusses a few of the methods used in earlier times to illustrate the nature of cryptology, then discuss...
This module teaches how to use the additive group Z12 and a group of musical transformations called the twelve-tone o...
This module presents a simple method of optimization that: 1) tells how much an engineering design would cost before ...
This module uses elementary probability to show how genotypes in a population reach an equilibrium in a single genera...
This module consists of a set of four collaborative field-based exercises and labs. All of the materials derive from ...
This module analyzes the motion of water underneath a surface wave in the ocean in order to determine formulas for th...
This module studies the rigidity of frameworks made of rigid rods in the plane that are connected by two-dimensional ...
This module uses the setting of the card game of pinochle to develop and practice counting techniques, including comb...
This module uses a variant of the Moore Teaching method to stimulate the students to derive the theory of impartial g...
This module seeks to: 1) strengthen students' intuition in multidimensional geometry; 2) consolidate their command of...
This module seeks to: 1) strengthen the students' intuition in multidimensional geometry; 2) consolidate their comman...
This module explores elementary operations of set theory in a fuzzy setting and examines some applications of fuzzy s...
This module describes three iterative methods for solving equations, motivated by the computation of the internal rat...
In this module equations are constructed for the position of the sun in the sky at any time of day, any day of the ye...

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