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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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The Senior Seminar of the Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science at Ripon College decided to work as a consultancy...
The Netherlands is a very flat country: there are no hills in the western part at all, except for a row of dunes that...
In this paper we present three examples illustrating the use of combinatorics in computing probabilities relevant to ...
"The Cowboys deserved to lose" [Associated Press 1995]. This terse assessment by John Madden, esteemed sportscaster w...
Have you ever wondered how music is stored on a compact disc and then reproduced? Mathematically, the music can be vi...
To get around an old California law that prohibits the game of "21," California card casinos introduced a variation o...
In the game of Cootie, players race to construct a "cootie bug" by rolling a die to collect component parts. Each coo...
A goose due east of its nest begins to fly home. It always flies directly toward the nest at constant airspeed b, but...
Every year, colleges and universities face the problem of assigning classrooms to satisfy the needs of courses, facul...
One day I received electronic mail from our director of campus security [Gilbraith 1993]: I have a puzzle for you tha...
In Canada, the passing of a constitutional amendment requires a resolution of the Canadian Parliament accompanied by ...
We describe how digital signals can be transmitted by analog carrier signals. This is the method of pulse code modula...
In 1878, Thomas Alva Edison obtained the patent for the phonograph, a device to record sound (audio information). The...
Until very recently, most Bush toilets were controlled by a mechanism whose workings were filled with differential po...
Political scientists who study comparative government have charted a staggering variety of legislative systems. In de...
Farmer Klaus and the Mouse [Goßen and Rubin 1997] is a cooperative board game for children ages 3 and up that has bo...
While preparing to perform a piece of music, a pianist must work out a fingering for the piece. Sometimes, the optima...
In almost any country in the world, it would be of considerable interest to many quarters in society to know how the ...
There is an old Latin proverb, common in translation in Germany, that "Those who live closest to the church arrive la...
As part of the promotion for its new Berry Berry Kix cereal, General Mills included on the cereal box a game called "...
The most significant mathematical development in 1994 occurred near the end of the year, when Andrew Wiles (Princeton...
The year 1995 was a relatively quiet one in mathematics. Mathematicians confirmed and celebrated the revised proof by...
After several years of suspense and excitement about the proof of Fermat's last theorem, the achievements in 1996 wer...
Mathematics in 1997 was marked by the celebration of achievements and by the contemplation of philosophical questions...
Mathematics in 1998 saw the resolution, at last, of Johannes Kepler's simple sounding conjecture about sphere-packing...
We give an example, using first-year calculus and least-squares curve-fitting, of the use of mathematical modeling in...
Physical Concepts Examined: 1. Trip Attractions 2. Trip Distributions 3. Trip Modal Choice 4. Trip Route Choice Tab...
Concept of freeway ramp control. Independent ramp metering technique. Integrated ramp metering technique. Table of ...
The United States space agency NASA is planning to send a robot vehicle to Mars. The basic mission will be similar to...
In 1975, Jacob Eli Goodman posed the following problem in the American Mathematical Monthly under the pseudonym of Ha...
Table of Contents: PUBLISHER'S EDITORIAL Once More into the Breach MODELING FORUM Results of the 1995 Mathematica...
You have heard about the South Carolina Tuition Prepayment Program (SCTPP) (htpp://, but you wonder if...
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL We Have Already Been to the Future ARTICLES Efficient Signal Transmission and Wavele...
We create a simple discrete probabilistic model for spread of a forest fire. We examine the conditions for which the ...
When two water (or other solvent) volumes are separated by a semi-permeable membrane, water will flow from the side o...
Cars, trucks, motorcycles, and buses emit significant quantities of carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), nitrogen...

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