Full Member Resources
COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
ResourceMAP - Solving Systems of Linear Equations - Teacher Edition
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Systems of Inequalities - Student Edition
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Systems of Inequalities - Teacher Edition
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Absolute Value - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Angle Measure - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Basic Algebra - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Combining Probabilities - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Data Analysis: Categorical Data - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Data Analysis: Numeric Data - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Exponential Functions - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Linear Equations from Tables, Graphs & Parameters - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Properties of Linear Functions - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - The Pythagorean Theorem and the Distance Formula - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Quadratic Functions - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Scale Drawings - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Similar Triangles and Other Polygons - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Nets and Surface Area - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Solving Systems of Linear Equations - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
ResourceMAP - Systems of Inequalities - Student Edition (Spanish)
ResourceMAP modules are relatively short and designed for flexible implementation; that is, they can be used in regul...
Modeling the Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Population (Modeling Module)
In this modeling module students will investigate the rise and fall of the Kemp’s ridley sea turtle population. The P...
UMAP Journal 44.4 Winter 2023 Edition
Table of Contents
New Developments for the MCM/ICM Contests
MCM Modeling Forum Results of the 2023 Math...
UMAP Journal 44.3 Fall 2023 Edition
New Developments for the ICM/MCM Contests
ICM Modeling Forum
Results of the 2023 Interdisciplinary Conte...
HiMCM Problem: Storing the Sun
The context for this modeling pull-out is determining the best configuration for an energy storage system to support ...
In my last Geometer’s Corner, I focused on how rotations can be expressed using complex numbers and 3 × 3 matrices. W...
Deletion Error Codes
In broad terms mathematics is seen as the investigation of patterns arising in the study of numbers and shapes. Howev...
GAIMME Time: Mathematical Modeling: Where Math and Creativity Converge
Mathematical modeling is authentic and empowering, as students get to make choices and take ownership of the process....
Consortium 125, Fall/Winter 2023
Table of Contents:
From the Publisher's Desk: A Message from COMAP's New CEO
GAIMME Time: Where Math and Creativity...
HiMCM Problem: Storing the Sun (Modeling Module)
The context for this modeling module is determining the best configuration for an energy storage system to support an...
Daylight In the Northern Hemisphere (Modeling Module)
Teacher notes The focus of this Modeling Module is using sinusoidal models to estimate the length of daylight and th...
Strategy for a Runner on Second
Abstract We offer a simple model of pitching and batting choices of Major League Baseball players and use game theor...
The Role of Eigenstates in Quantum Mechanics
Linear algebra includes finding eigenvalue solutions to eigenequations, which have applications in man...
Needle Found in a Haystack
In our increasingly technologically-advanced and data-driven world, the demand for adept problem solvers has never be...
Reflections on Modeling and Teaching Modeling
Solomon Garfunkel’s delightful reflection on the 40th anniversary of COMAP [2022] reminded us that our book, How to M...
Linear Algebra and Optimization in Data Analysis (UMAP)
Students with a mathematical background interested in data analysis, and instructors who could tai...
Rock N Roll Meets Higher Math
'Wake up, Polansky. And get out of my classroom until you can stay awake!" Sixteen year-old Larry Polansky, local roc...
UMAP Journal 44.2 Summer 2023 Edition
Table of Contents
Editorial A Note from the Three of Us
Publisher’s Editorial Hello, I Must Be Going
Teaching Mod...
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