Full Member Resources
COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
It’s an Electrifying Idea! (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
It’s an Electrifying Idea! (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Heart Transplants and the NFL Draft (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Heart Transplants and the NFL Draft (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Network Capacity (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Network Capacity (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Tomography: A Geometric and Computational Approach (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Tomography: A Geometric and Computational Approach (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Cryptography: Lqwurgxfwlrq wr Fubswrjudskb (Cryptography: Introduction to Cryptography) (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Cryptography: Lqwurgxfwlrq wr Fubswrjudskb (Cryptography: Introduction to Cryptography) (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Fair and Stable Matching (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Fair and Stable Matching (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Polynomiography: Visual Displays of Solutions to Polynomial Equations (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Polynomiography: Visual Displays of Solutions to Polynomial Equations (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
The Analysis of Games (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
The Analysis of Games (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Competition or Collusion? Game Theory in Sports, Business, and Life (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Competition or Collusion? Game Theory in Sports, Business, and Life (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Gently Down the Stream: The Mathematics of Streaming Information (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Gently Down the Stream: The Mathematics of Streaming Information (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Recursion (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Recursion (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Your Data and Your Privacy: Do you know what “they” can tell about you? (Student)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Your Data and Your Privacy: Do you know what “they” can tell about you? (Teacher)
What Is Computational Thinking?
Computational thinking is a high-level thought process that considers the world in co…
Invasive Species A Module in Planning for Sustainability (Student)
About This Module:
This module focuses on the role of non-native species in ecosystems. Students explore local exampl…
Invasive Species A Module in Planning for Sustainability (Teacher)
About This Module:
This module focuses on the role of non-native species in ecosystems. Students explore local exampl…
Life on the Edge – Habitat Fragmentation (Student)
About This Module:
Sustainability is forward-looking, and natural resources are finite. Planning for sustainability th…
Life on the Edge – Habitat Fragmentation (Teacher)
About This Module:
Sustainability is forward-looking, and natural resources are finite. Planning for sustainability th…
NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) (Student)
About This Module:
Not in My Backyard explores how to consider social and environmental justice when making decisions…
NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) (Teacher)
About This Module:
Not in My Backyard explores how to consider social and environmental justice when making decisions…
Passive Solar (Student)
About This Module:
This module is written to be taught in one week of class time and is separated into five lessons o…
Passive Solar (Teacher)
About This Module:
This module is written to be taught in one week of class time and is separated into five lessons o…
Urban Sustainability (Student)
About This Module:
Urban Sustainability introduces basic concepts in the use of geographic information systems (GIS)…
Urban Sustainability (Teacher)
About This Module:
Urban Sustainability introduces basic concepts in the use of geographic information systems (GIS)…
Water Games Applying Game Theory to the Sustainable Use of Water (And Other Natural Resources) (Student)
About This Module:
Water Games uses concepts drawn from mathematical game theory to model competition for water and o…
Water Games Applying Game Theory to the Sustainable Use of Water (And Other Natural Resources) (Teacher)
About This Module:
Water Games uses concepts drawn from mathematical game theory to model competition for water and o…
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