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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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Ecosystem Services immerses students in making decisions on forest resource management. The module introduces student…
Ecosystem Services immerses students in making decisions on forest resource management. The module introduces student…
Introduction to “Going Batty”: Disease looms large in our world today and students are faced with challenging quest…
Introduction to the Teacher Edition of “Going Batty”: Disease looms large in our world today and students are faced…
About this module: Historically water has been taken for granted, especially in humid areas like the southeastern Un…
About this module: Historically water has been taken for granted, especially in humid areas like the southeastern Un…
The context for this module is modeling packaging of products and determining measures of efficiency for package design…
COMAP presents a series of modules designed for teaching mathematics through the modeling of real-world phenomena. Most…
COMAP presents a series of modules designed for teaching mathematics through the modeling of real-world phenomena. Most…
COMAP presents a series of modules designed for teaching mathematics through the modeling of real-world phenomena. Most…
Preface The present publication comprises a collection of articles by the participants in the Russian-American worksho…
Part 1: Purposes and Organization of a Math Trail Introduction 6 Background and History 6 Characteristics of Math Trail…
Preface The National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the design and provided the support for comprehensive complex…
The shared hope and vision of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) and the Society for Industria…
The shared hope and vision of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) and the Society for Industria…
La esperanza y la visión compartidas del Consorcio para las Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones (COMAP) y la Sociedad de Mat…
GAIMME: Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education Chinese Edition is for academic an…
Abstract We cite broad support for using modeling in mathematics coursework in undergraduate studies and address the p…
Table of Contents Research Papers The Italian School of Algebraic Geometry and Mathematics Teaching: Methods, Teacher…
Table of Contents Research Papers The Introduction of "Modern Mathematics" in Secondary Education in Spain (1954-1970)…
Table of Contents Research Papers The Process of Redesigning the Geometry Curriculum: The Case of the 1 Mathematical A…
Table of Contents Research Papers The First Egyptian Modern Mathematics Textbook Mathematics Education in Scotland: A…
Table of Contents Research Papers History of Mathematics Education in the Islamic Countries in the Middle Ages On Int…
Table of Contents Research Papers Nineteenth Century Traditional Arabic Geometry Textbooks Alden Partridge and Practi…
Table of Contents Research Papers The Implementation of the 'New Math' in Iceland: Comparison with Neighbouring Countr…
Table of Contents Research Papers Creating the Language of Mathematics Instruction: Hebrew Schools in Palestine Before…
Table of Contents Research Papers Changes in the Teaching of Similarity in France: From Similar Triangles to Transform…
Table of Contents Research Papers Protractors as Objects of American School Geometry Teaching Russian Mathematics Tea…
Table of Contents Research Papers Didactical innovations of L.F. Magnitskiĭ: setting up a research agenda The first G…
Table of Contents Editorial Research Papers Question-and-answer formats in mathematics textbooks (1500-1850) Descrip…
Mathematics and technology have always developed in tandem, but the pace of technology innovation has never been as rap…
This Module develops some simple energy balance models for the temperature of the Earth, through exercises, a sample ex…
Table of Contents Research Papers Probability Topics Addressed in U.S. Middle-Grades Textbooks, 1957-2004 From The Fi…
Table of Contents Editorial Research Papers The Origins and the Early History of ICMI David Eugene Smith and the Fou…
Table of Contents Editorial Note Guest Editorial Renaud d'Enfert and Angel Ruiz Research Papers The School as "Labor…
Table of Contents Research Papers The Notion of Magnitude in Teaching: The "New Elements" of Arnauld and His Inheritan…

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