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Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications

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COMAP offers members access to numerous mathematics and modeling programs, products, and materials in a variety of collections and formats. Our online library has more than 1500 resources. This page lists resources with most recent first. Please use the Search box or the filter options in the Find Resources menu to assist in locating desired products. For additional assistance or if you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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You are a new Industrial Engineering Technician, working for Bates Manufacturing. The marketing department has decid...
Perhaps as a student you are now 16, 18, or 20 years of age. It may be that some day you will begin your earning yea...
Before one purchases a car, there are many things to consider and many questions to be answered. Do you pay cash or ...
One thinks of an earthquake as a sudden motion or trembling in the earth caused by an abrupt release of accumulated ...
How many times have you heard the expression, Don't compare apples and oranges? I'm sure that your mathematics teach...
Yes, it is that time of the year again - the start of the major league baseball season! Every April ignites that ann...
Colorado relies on a series of reservoirs for its water needs. An accurate measure of rainfall is essential for pred...
The primary function of a roof is to protect the house and occupants from weather. Roof construction should be strong...
The activities in this issue's Pull-Out explore the question, "When can you expect to save money by pooling two ster...
This lesson presents a mathematical model of how alcohol is eliminated from the body. The mathematical focus is on g...
On a summer day in 1969, America launched a new adventure in space. Apollo 11 blasted off into orbit around Earth at...
An interesting area of applied mathematics is the field of economics. In macroeconomics, models of a national econom...
The theory of dynamical systems is applied to problems in many disciplines. Let's take a specific example from biolog...
Many cities store water in towers and from these towers they run water through pipes into houses, stores, and factor...
The following is a revision of a classic story that has been told to millions of students. A hunter at point A aims ...
In 1936, the famous magazine Literary Digest, distributed over 10 million mail-in ballots to assess voter preference...
According to the Securities Industry Association, investors lost one trillion dollars in bonds in 1994. The total lo...
An interesting activity for high-school mathematics scholars is to find, correct, and analyze errors. Much of mathem...
Have you ever been involved in a project where it seems like there are a million things to do and they all depend on...
From The New York Times: "Monte Carlo Simulation, named for Monaco's famous gambling casino, can help to represent v...
Have you ever waited at the gas pump while filling your gas tank? Did you pass the time by fiddling with the gas-tan...
Why do people invest in stocks? It's obvious - to make money. Many Americans realize that it is their responsibility ...
Doesn't the sun always set due west on the horizon? Actually, the sun sets in the west only on two days of each year:...
The question of one's exact location on the face of the earth has intrigued humankind for thousands of years. Locatio...
Students explore utility theory through the expense of car insurance.
It is said that the average American family is two paychecks away from having inadequate funds for food and shelter. ...
As everyone knows, a row of dominoes, all standing on edge, will undergo a cascade when the first domino is tipped. B...
The Baltimore City Fire Department provides fire suppression and emergency medical services for the citizens of Balti...
Table of Contents: FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK Looking Ahead MATH TODAY Mathematics Helps Sort Out Our Genes GEOME...
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL Where Else to Publish SPECIAL SECTION ON THE ICM Results of the 2005 Interdisciplin...
Table of Contents: FROM THE PUBLISHER'S DESK HiMCM NOTES College Advisors for High School Modeli...
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL Back to the Future About This Issue (and Others to Come) SPECIAL SECTION ON THE MCM...
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL Project INTERMATH-Not Just ILAPs ARTICLES Pointillism via Linear Programming A Revo...
Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION UMAP MODULES 786 Wind Turbine Power Coefficient Optimization 787 Using Fractals to ...
Table of Contents: FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK On the Move HISTORICAL NOTES With Compass & Straightedge in Hand ...
Table of Contents: EDITORIAL HIV: The Math SPECIAL SECTION ON THE ICM Results of the 2006 Interdisciplinary Contes...

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